Over the last few years, counterfeiting has turned out to be one of the most talked about issues all over the world. Even the most well-known brands have suffered due to counterfeiting, not to mention the regular consumers, end users, and the overall economy. Counterfeit or bogus replicas of original goods drain down the admirable attempts of professionals to safeguard their products and brands. It weakens the legitimacy of the products and even puts customer safety at risk.
As a result, manufacturers of products from all over the world are now looking for the best way to get rid of the menace of counterfeiting. To protect their goods and ensure the legitimacy, efficacy and integrity of their supply chains, the manufacturers are late implementing various cutting-edge strategies and technology. We hereby discuss some of the most important and talked-about anti-counterfeit raids, the most significant seizures, and programs such as Acviss. We also discuss the fallout of these activities on the fight against counterfeit goods.
The Growing Challenge of Counterfeiting
The market for fake goods has expanded quickly over the last 10 years, primarily due to improved production techniques and the unanticipated rise in online sales. Almost every industry, including electronics, luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, and even consumables like baby food, has to encounter the menace of fake products. These counterfeit products clearly endanger consumer safety apart from jeopardising brand protection.
Unfortunately, the counterfeit market has seen an expansion. As a result of this, firms are getting increasingly cautious. They are putting more emphasis on safeguarding their products. They do so to keep their hard-earned image amongst their consumers. Fake items leave a severe impact on the economy! Counterfeiting is estimated to cost businesses around the world over $500 billion annually. Counterfeiting damages the reputation of a brand, and erodes consumer trust, apart from resulting in substantial financial loss. To counter this phenomenon, companies and governments are implementing a wide range of innovative tactics as well as cutting-edge technologies to safeguard consumers and ensure the absolute authenticity of products.
Inside the Biggest Anti-Counterfeit Raids

Over the years, companies and authorities have conducted high-profile searches against counterfeiting to eradicate the menace..These operations often result in the destruction of large criminal networks and the seizure of large quantities of products.
50 Million Counterfeit Seized in China
One of the largest raids occurred in 2022 when Chinese authorities seized more than 50 million counterfeit items valued at more than $3 billion. These included fake luxury goods, auto parts, and electronics. The size of the seizure showed how pervasive the counterfeiting business is.
European Counterfeit Drug Network
Another significant bust occurred in 2023 when a team of law enforcement and brand protection agencies joined to disrupt a counterfeit drug trafficking network throughout Europe. The operation successfully seized counterfeit drugs that were being sold online and, in some cases, even in licensed pharmacies. The public was exposed to serious health risks from these counterfeit medications, highlighting the critical need to combat counterfeit goods in the medical industry.
The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Centre (IPR Centre) has been in most cases instrumental in organising raids in the US. They have helped in the confiscation of large quantities of fake goods, including clothing, electronics, cosmetics and other goods. These efforts often target online marketplaces where counterfeit items are sold, and the seizures disrupt the supply chains used by the counterfeiters.
These searches not only result in the seizure of counterfeit goods but also communicate to counterfeiters that law enforcement is closely monitoring and disrupting illegal activity. By seizing them, authorities further damage brands and prevent counterfeit goods from reaching customers.
Major Seizures: The Scale of Impact

The very effect of all seizures of counterfeit products and goods has been extensive and substantial. About $1.3 billion worth of counterfeit goods were seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in 2021. The products they seized included fake toys, clothes, gadgets, and accessories. CBP's involvement in countering counterfeit goods at the international and interim borders of various countries goes a long way to upkeep the efficacy, transparency and integrity of the supply chains, especially in light of more and more demand for goods and products over the entire world, thanks to this modern era of open economy and trade.
As in the USA, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) has been fighting its own battles to combat counterfeiting as well. In one of their more notable operations, EUIPO recovered around 25 million counterfeit products in 2020. The materials they managed to seize in the raid comprised goods that were hazardous to consumers, like toys made up of toxic materials, bogus medicines, and even phoney meals including baby foods. This seizure of such a huge cache of products prevented these products from entering the European market.
Apart from the seizure of these harmful items, this raid also helped in the disruption of the activities of large criminal organisations that have been carrying out these counterfeiting operations. The raid helped cut off a large counterfeiting network that also sent a strong message to the perpetrators that counterfeiting would be punished at any cost!
Anti-Counterfeiting Tactics and Technologies
Digital verification is one of the best methods available. Security measures like NFC (near-field communication) chips or unique QR codes are being added by companies to various devices. Customers may quickly ascertain whether a product is genuine by using their cell phones to scan the code. Because of this, it is much harder for counterfeiters to pass off bogus goods as authentic.
Blockchain technology is being used to safeguard product information throughout the supply chain. Blockchain technology provides an impermeable and transparent ledger that prevents counterfeiters from altering the product's history. Since the blockchain records each step of the supply chain, from manufacture to shipment to the retail location, the product's origin and movement can be tracked. Businesses can use blockchain technology to guarantee product authenticity and stop counterfeit items from reaching consumers.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is yet another cutting-edge tool that is being used. To detect counterfeit products on the internet, artificial intelligence is being used to analyse listings, images, and patterns.
Acviss: A Game-Changer in Anti-Counterfeiting

Ending this threat requires some creative anti-counterfeiting initiatives. Acviss was developed to address the increasing complexity of counterfeiting with its multi-layered approach to trademark protection. Digital authentication, consumer-facing technologies, and physical security elements are all included in the system to provide a thorough anti-counterfeiting approach.
Acviss offers a wide range of high-tech options to choose from to protect products from counterfeiting. They may include holographic labels, dynamic QR codes, embedded RFID chips, and the like. Customers can use their smartphones to instantly verify the authenticity of products, ensuring that only authentic products reach the market.
For brands that have implemented the method, the quantity of counterfeit items entering supply chains has dramatically dropped. Some companies have even claimed a 50% decrease in cases involving counterfeit goods since deploying Acviss. By developing a secure way to track and validate products, the system not only improves supply chain security but also fortifies product protection.
By guaranteeing that customers only purchase safe and ethically made goods, Acviss contributes to sustainability as well.
The Fight Against Counterfeiting Continues….
While much more needs to be done to stop counterfeiting, businesses, governments, and consumers are responding with a variety of innovative strategies and tools. Among the anti-counterfeiting measures that are strengthening trademark protection and maintaining product authenticity include digital verification, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and solution providers such as Acviss. These initiatives are essential to supply chain management security, consumer safety, and sustainability.