5 Steps to Choose the Best Anti-Counterfeiting Technology for Your Brand

Counterfeiting poses a massive threat to businesses everywhere. This insidious practice causes vast revenue loss, brand reputation damage and even potential safety hazards. When counterfeiters get bolder and more sophisticated, brand protection becomes a critical business necessity. Anti-counterfeiting technology companies serve as your front line of defence, however, the hunt for a proper solution that suits your requirements can be tricky. But fear not! This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to find the right option in the world of anti-counterfeiting technologies.

1. Define Your Problem

A well-defined problem is a problem half-solved. Your initial action should be to understand the specific counterfeiting threats your products face. Segregate the threat under different heads as shown below:

  • Types of Counterfeiting: What threats are you facing? Are you dealing with blatant copies, subtle imitations, grey market products, trademark infringement, product diversion, domain phishing, fake ads or unauthorised market listings? Identify the particular challenges your brand encounters.

  • Origin of Counterfeits: Identify where you are facing these threats. Locate their source, is it domestic or international? Measures and technologies to curb them differ according to the regulations of the region, so pinpointing the location plays a pivotal role.
  • Distribution Channels: A great majority of brands face threats in the supply chain. Vulnerable points in the supply chain can allow tampering or fake products to infiltrate. However, since the wider use of e-commerce marketplaces, fake products are directly sold through the platforms which makes them practically impossible to prevent until they show up.
  • Target Market: How vulnerable are your customers to counterfeit products? Understand how equipped they are against counterfeiting. Do they have proper awareness in fighting it or have the technological knowledge you can leverage?

2. Exploring Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies

A. Overt Features

These readily visible security elements serve a dual purpose: deterring potential counterfeiters and helping consumers to readily identify genuine products.

  • Holograms: Beyond the classic rainbow effect, modern holograms incorporate complex micro-images, dynamic optical effects and even kinetic features that shift when tilted or viewed from different angles. Uniqolabel by Acviss provides tamper-evident hologram stickers which significantly increases the difficulty and cost of replication for counterfeiters.
  • Colour-shifting inks: They add an extra layer of visual complexity. Depending on the viewing angle or lighting conditions, the colour may appear to change, indicating authenticity to consumers.
  • Microtext: Tiny text, often integrated into designs or logos, requires magnification to read. This detail serves as a subtle yet effective deterrent, as replicating it accurately is challenging and easily identifiable by observant consumers.

B. Covert Features

They are hidden features that would require specialised tools or expertise to detect and authenticate, making them less susceptible to casual imitation. While overt features provide a vital first line of defence, covert security elements offer an additional layer of protection against sophisticated counterfeiting attempts.

  • Forensic markers: They are embedded within the product or packaging in various forms, such as chemical tracers, microscopic particles or even DNA-based markers. Detectable only through specialized laboratory analysis, they offer a powerful tool for law enforcement agencies to identify counterfeit products and trace their origin.

  • UV inks: Invisible under normal light, fluoresce under ultraviolet light, revealing hidden patterns, logos or codes. This feature is handy for authentication by retailers or brand representatives equipped with UV lamps.

  • Taggants: Microscopic particles with unique identifiers are embedded within the product or packaging. Specialized readers can detect these tags, allowing authentication and even providing valuable data on the product's origin and movement through the supply chain.

C. Track and Trace Technologies

They go beyond simple authentication, allowing real-time monitoring of products throughout the supply chain. This level of transparency authorises early detection of counterfeiting attempts and helps ensure product integrity from production to the end consumer.

  • Unique Codes: Serialized codes, such as Certify labels, QR codes, unique numeric identifiers or radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, are attached to each product. These codes can be linked to a central database, allowing verification of authenticity, tracking individual product movement through the supply chain and even providing consumers with access to additional product information.

  • Blockchain: A secure and tamper-proof method of recording product history. By creating a decentralized ledger that tracks each step of the product's journey, from raw materials to finished products, blockchain provides an immutable record of authenticity, traceability and transparency, making it virtually impossible to counterfeit.

  • Geo-fencing: Leveraging GPS or RFID technologies, Geo-fencing establishes virtual perimeters around authorized locations within the supply chain, such as warehouses or distribution centres. When a product with a tracking tag enters or exits a designated geo-fence, an alert is triggered, allowing for immediate investigation and verification of its legitimacy.

D. Online Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies

The rise of e-commerce has created new challenges in preventing online counterfeiting. Alongside physical measures, online platforms and brands have adopted various technologies to combat this problem:

  • Artificial Intelligence: Tools leveraging AI, actively monitor online marketplaces and social media for listings suspected of selling counterfeit products. Solutions like Truviss employ advanced AI and ML algorithms and image recognition to identify potential fake product listings and IP infringements and flag them for removal.
5 Steps to Choose the Best brand protection Technology for Your Brand

3. Evaluating Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Options

Understanding the feasibility of a technology is just as important as finding the right technology. A mistake in evaluation can cause irreparable damage to the whole strategy.

  1. Security: Analyze the technology's resistance to different types of counterfeiting methods, such as physical replication, chemical manipulation or digital forgery. Choose solutions with multi-layered security features, making it progressively more difficult for counterfeiters to succeed.

  2. Scalability: Assess the technology's adaptability to your production volume. Consider solutions that can be easily integrated into your existing manufacturing lines without significant modifications or disruptions to your production process. Explore options offering scalability to accommodate future growth projections.

  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Conduct a comprehensive cost analysis, including not just the per-unit cost of the technology but also implementation costs, ongoing maintenance fees and potential training costs for employees involved in the authentication process. Choose a solution that delivers the desired level of security while remaining financially viable for your business.

  4. User-Friendliness: If consumer authentication is involved, prioritize solutions offering simplicity and ease of use. Consider mobile app-based solutions utilizing QR code scanning or near-field communication (NFC) technology, offering a convenient and user-friendly authentication experience for consumers.

  5. Supply Chain Compatibility: Ensure the chosen technology seamlessly integrates with your existing distribution channels and logistics partners. Avoid solutions requiring significant changes to your existing infrastructure or causing compatibility issues with your provider’s systems.

  6. Data Analytics: Choose technologies that provide valuable data insights beyond simple product verification. Look for solutions offering real-time data on counterfeit activity, including geographical hotspots, trends in counterfeiting methods and insights into specific products or regions most targeted by counterfeiters. This data can be crucial for informing strategic enforcement actions, optimizing your anti-counterfeiting strategy, and collaborating with law enforcement agencies.

4. Your Holistic Anti-Counterfeiting Strategy

Remember, technology is just one aspect of a robust anti-counterfeiting strategy. A well-nurtured strategy benefits the organisation more than an expensive tool. Before you implement a solution here are some key elements to consider:

  • Multi-Layered Defense.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Implement a layered security approach, incorporating overt, covert and track-and-trace technologies at different stages of your product lifecycle. This creates redundancy and makes it significantly harder for counterfeiters to replicate every aspect of your security measures. Origin by Acviss provides unique non-cloneable labels that can act as a visual identifier and a covert solution, added the track and trace support powered by Blockchain allows visibility into the movement of the product throughout the supply chain.

  • Consumer Education

Empowering your customers becomes crucial in the fight against counterfeiting. Educate them about the dangers associated with counterfeit products, highlighting potential risks like safety hazards, inferior quality and lack of warranties. Equip them with the knowledge to identify genuine products by providing clear instructions on how to utilize the implemented security features. This can be achieved through educational materials on packaging, websites and social media platforms.

  • Strong Enforcement

Counterfeiting is a criminal activity and it's vital to collaborate with law enforcement authorities to actively pursue and prosecute counterfeiters. This sends a strong message of deterrence and discourages future attempts. Collaborate with relevant authorities by providing them with information on identified counterfeit products, distribution channels, and suspected production locations.

  • Supply Chain Monitoring

Don't let your guard down within your supply chain. Conduct regular audits and inspections of your suppliers and distributors to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This could involve assessing their security protocols, verifying their sourcing practices and implementing stringent quality control measures.

  • Regular Review and Adaptation

The fight against counterfeiting is an ongoing battle, and the landscape continuously evolves. Continuously review and assess your anti-counterfeiting strategy to ensure its effectiveness. Stay updated on emerging trends and technologies in the anti-counterfeiting space and adapt your approach as needed.

Acviss Uniqolabel hologram anticounterfeiting solution

5. Finding the Right Brand Protection Partner

The success of your anti-counterfeiting efforts hinges on choosing a reliable solutions provider who understands your unique needs and challenges.

1. Proven Expertise:

Look for a partner with extensive experience in your specific industry. Their familiarity with common counterfeiting threats and vulnerabilities within your sector provides valuable insights during the solution selection process. Check if they have provided solutions for clients similar to your size and operating within your industry. Case studies, testimonials and references from satisfied customers can offer valuable reassurance.

2. Customization:

Avoid a "one-size-fits-all" approach. The ideal provider should offer a comprehensive consultation process to understand your specific needs, threats and budget constraints. They should then tailor their solution to address your unique vulnerabilities, ensuring the chosen technologies seamlessly integrate with your existing operations. While opting for track-and-trace solutions, Origin can adapt to the needs of the product and organisation, making it flexible for brands of any scale and nature.

3. Robust Support:

It’s said that a company’s quality lies in the customer support it provides. The chosen anti-counterfeiting technology company might require training for your internal teams, including production, quality control and customer service personnel. Opt for a partner who offers comprehensive training programs to ensure your team is equipped to effectively use the technology and maximize its benefits.

Plus, look for a partner who provides ongoing support beyond initial implementation. This may include technical support, readily available troubleshooting assistance and access to dedicated account managers for ongoing guidance and consultation.

4. Commitment to Innovation:

The world of counterfeiting is constantly evolving, with new techniques and tactics emerging frequently. Choosing a partner who dedicates resources to research and development (R&D) ensures you have access to the latest anti-counterfeiting technologies and stay ahead of evolving threats. Partner with a company that actively invests in R&D to develop and refine their solutions. This ensures your anti-counterfeiting strategy remains robust and effective even as new threats emerge and technology advances.

5. Other Considerations:

  • Ethical Business Practices: Choose a partner who aligns with your company's values and operates ethically. Look for a company with a strong reputation for integrity and transparency in their business practices.
  • Global Reach: If your business operates internationally, consider partnering with a company with a worldwide footprint or establishing partnerships with local providers in your target regions. Solution providers like Acviss with a presence across 11+ countries, can ensure seamless implementation and ongoing support across your entire supply chain.

Best Brand Protection Strategies for You

A Collective Approach

There you go. This guide has imparted the knowledge and resources you need to navigate the landscape of anti-counterfeiting technologies and develop a robust strategy tailored to your specific needs. Remember, a successful strategy requires a combination of everything and a culture that is supported from the top to the bottom of the organisation.

Head over to Acviss to learn more about our anti-counterfeiting solutions or get in touch with us to understand how we can secure your supply chain and protect your brand. Together, let's champion ethical practices and create a better future for fashion.