6 Absurd ways people found out they bought fake products

The online market is our go-to for everyday shopping, but it has become a nightmare for many. With the rising popularity and worldwide access, e-commerce marketplaces are now a treasure trove of counterfeit goods. Whether it’s a designer handbag made of cardboard or a smartphone box filled with rocks, here are six mind-boggling stories of people discovering they’d been scammed.

1. The Case of the Stone Smartphone Box

a shopper on Flipkart received a stone instead of the phone he ordered.

Buying a new smartphone is a tedious process. Reviewing every option and finding the best choice from it can be exhausting. But what happens when all this leads you to a scam? A story that shocked many was about a customer in India who purchased a smartphone for ₹22,000 (around $265) from Flipkart, an e-commerce platform. When the package finally arrived, excitement quickly turned to heartbreak as found stones instead of the new phone he ordered. The customer shared the picture of the box and rock on X (formerly Twitter). The incident went viral questioning the quality and security checks conducted by e-commerce platforms. It created a sense of panic and threats to trusting even well-known e-commerce platforms.

2. The Chinese Fake Gold Scandal

A woman in China bought a gold bar from online but instead received a fake.

Gold has always been in demand globally. People buy them for personal use and many see it as an investment opportunity. However, for one woman in China, gold became a huge opportunity to get scammed. She purchased solid gold bars from online markets at a great price. But what she didn’t know was that they were gold-plated tungsten. But not just her, thousands of Chinese consumers had been duped into buying fake gold. The problem was so widespread that authorities in China had to step in to address the issue. The counterfeiters had mastered the art of making the fake gold look real until it was tested to be fake. This emphasises how advanced the counterfeiting technology and market have become.

3. Luxury Fakes Scamming the Experts

A large collection fake designer bags were found in an investigation in UK.

Luxury fashion has always been the prime target for counterfeiters and no surprise it made the list. A fake Hermes Birkin bag was so convincing that it fooled even industry experts—until a seasoned “fake hunter” noticed the under-par stitching. The incident sent waves across the fake market in the UK. Media started sending out specialists to identify the markets and the fakes sold. The investigation found counterfeits of major luxury brands including Gucci and LVMH. However, even with all the precautions and active measures, the counterfeit still thrives.

4. The Flipkart iPhone Fiasco

Fake iPhone was received by a shopper from Amazon which he complained to the customer service team.

Buying an iPhone is seen as a luxury, so when a man in India decided to buy a brand-new iPhone 15, he chose to trust Amazon. However, his trust was destroyed in seconds when he received the product. Instead of the new, untouched phone, the package had a cheap knockoff waiting for him. The fake device was so poorly made that it barely functioned, and the man took the matter to social media to express his frustration. Amazon eventually responded and rectified the situation, but the incident left many wondering how such a blatant fake could have slipped through the cracks.

Must Read: How to Authenticate Products and Prevent Counterfeits

5. Fake Flipkart Products and Reddit Rants

A person posted on Reddit complaining about receiving a fake product from Flipkart

Social Media platforms have become the go-to place for getting heard. When a customer purchased a premium home appliance from Flipkart and instead got a cheap first copy, they went straight to Reddit to spread the word. The user’s frustration was doubled when Flipkart refused to acknowledge the issue, leading them to vent their anger online. The post quickly gained traction, with other users sharing similar shopping experiences. The situation escalated when the retailer denied their responsibility for selling or even admitting their error creating distrust among consumers.

6. Nightmare for Sneaker Collectors


Sneaker collections have a huge market today. Most people seek out rare and collectable sneakers at tremendous prices. A similar customer thought they were buying an original Air Jordans from Amazon. But things suddenly took a wrong turn. From the review left by the buyer, he stresses how the iconic Jumpman logo on the shoes was not indented as it should have been but instead felt like a sticker. To make matters worse, upon closer examination, the left shoe didn’t even match the right one! The differences in stitching and spacing were obvious. With frustration, the buyer warned others to avoid purchasing calling out the shoes fake! However, there has been no response from the seller or the platform.

How to Avoid Buying Fakes

Falling victim to counterfeit products is frustrating and costly, but with a few smart strategies, you can avoid falling into traps and ensure you get the real deal. Here’s how:

  1. Buy from Reputable Sellers: Stick to well-known retailers or the official websites of brands. If you’re purchasing from a marketplace like Amazon or eBay, check the seller’s reviews and ratings carefully.
  2. Always Check the Original Pricing: If the price of an item seems suspiciously low, there’s a good chance it’s fake. High-quality products come at a cost and significant discounts on high-end items should raise a red flag.
  3. Research the Product: Familiarize yourself with the features, packaging and logos of the original product. Counterfeit items often have subtle differences that can be spotted if you know what to look for.
  4. Check the Return Policy: Before making a purchase, review the seller’s return and refund policy. Reputable sellers will typically offer hassle-free returns, while counterfeiters may have vague or non-existent policies.
  5. Inspect Your Purchase Carefully: Once your order arrives, examine it closely. Look for any signs of poor craftsmanship, misspelt labels, or unusual packaging. If something feels off, it’s better to return the item and get your money back.

An Extra Second for Caution

These stories may seem absurd and even laughable ways, but the extent of the counterfeit threat is terrifying. It’s not just luxury goods or sneakers or electronics. Even the everyday items you purchase could be fake. So the next time you are purchasing anything from online or offline markets, ensure to set aside a few more seconds to verify if the products are authentic. Your caution can save your loved one's life and society’s fall.

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