What is a Dynamic QR Code and Leveraging it for Brand Protection
QR Codes
New Product Launch Checklist: Security and Trust Are Non-Negotiable
Product Launch
Choosing the Right Holographic Sticker Solution for Your Brand
Building Maximum Brand Security with Certify, Origin & Truviss
Why Fashion Industry Invests in Traceability to be Sustainable
Track and Trace Technology
How QR-Based Anti-Counterfeiting Empowers K-KISAN and the Indian Agri-Industry
Product Authentication
How to Create a Brand Protection Culture in Your Organization
Brand Protection
Social Media Marketing: The Risks and How to Navigate Through Them!
Online Brand Protection
Make your D2C brand Unstoppable by focusing on these two factors.
D2C brands
Follow These Dos and Don'ts for Building Customer Loyalty
Customer Engagement
Know what happens if you sell counterfeited goods.
7 Signs to Help You Identify a Fake Website
Searching for the most counterfeited items in the world.
Six Ways You Can Identify Fake Products on Amazon
ecommerce marketplace
What are First Copy Products and Why You Shouldn’t Buy Them!
Unlock the Power of Trademark and Take Your Brand Global